Sparkling white teeth are definitely in order this season, especially as hopefully you will be spending most of it meeting up with friends and laughing together. This product is amazing and finally available in the UK. Get your hands on some this Christmas and your teeth will love you forever!
How about some big holiday hair, whether your locks are all the way down your back or a little above your ears you can always add a bit of height and a bit of glamour with a set of velcro rollers, some teasing and a quick spritz of make-up artist favourite, Elnett.
A perfect manicure, this is something I personally strive to have all year round (most of the time I cheat and have a gel manicure as it lasts about three weeks!). As a make-up artist its nice for the person in your chair to see the hands touching them are well looked after. The winter is good chance to embrace the deeper colours out there, this, by Essie is my favourite winter red. Polish your nails, it really finishes your look.
Finally as you are dashing out the door have a spritz of something delicious. My signature scent is Chloe as it smells divine (obviously!), it works in all seasons and it transitions perfectly from day to night.
(image via)
Do you have a signature scent? meticulous pre-party preparations?
Have a glamourous weekend everyone!
Happy weekend to you!